Musical Pothole Filling. Romancing existing creativity

musical pothole filling, lyrics logic lullabies, sails

Musical Pothole Filling. Romancing existing creativity
musical pothole filling, ed verner, sailing, lyrics logic lullabies

Musical Pothole filling. Romancing existing creativity.

An interesting little game to play happens sometimes when I mix and match instrumental music of mine with visual images and great film making work.

Musical pothole filling. for example…

If you follow this link to an instrumental piano work of mine at for the soundtrack, and then also follow this next link to the first 2:05 seconds of YouTube video of a fantastically beautiful modern interpretation of a classic vintage sailing gaff rigged schooner – mute the video sound and engage my audio song and waah laah – a music editor revisited.

Musical pothole filling…in reverse.

Sometimes this little game of mine plays out in reverse in that I see something beautiful or emotionally stirring for me in a film or a piece of photography and I find myself conjuring up a musical melody for it. And even more often I may witness a moment in a major film where something beautiful visually is accompanied by musical kitsch on the verge of being crap – and the irony of visual beauty in concert with auditory ear vomit can also drive me into a creative mode. Much like how I enjoy fixing things that are broken, or restoring things that have been abandoned I like to create music where the need for it is on full display in the contrary example.

There is something romantic in the musical creative art when it is put to the task of filling a void; or in some cases I would call it fixing a pothole in the road of life. Now it may not be the romance of lovers, or the back seat of a car at a drive in type of love-rut… but writing music in that frame of mind is indeed romantic.
musical pothole filling, lyrics logic lullabies************************************************
Lyrics Logic & Lullabies
Lyrics, Logic, and Lullabies are delivered from baby boomer singer songwriter Ed Verner. Weaving together lyrics from personal experiences and tales from a life of people watching, these Lyrics, Logic, and Lullabies present contemporary younger songs from a salty renaissance man.
For more information on Ed and his Lyrics, Logic and Lullabies, visit:
Musical Pothole Filling. Romancing existing creativity
