Do you lose your keys? Or are you the type doesn’t?
Do you lose your keys? Or are you the type doesn’t?
There are two types of people; those who lose keys and those who don’t. I’ve learned there are redeeming features in either type. But as one of the “I never lose my keys” people, I sometimes have had to adapt and create sympathy in myself towards those who “misplace” important things. At times, I can’t believe it and see how someone else could. At the end of each day for me, I place my things in a particular place, and will easily find them each morning as my next day begins. If I am traveling, I generally create a new habit for each hotel room, and practically never misplace something.
When I arrived at my office this morning in the dim coming dawn of the morning, as is my habit, I could arrange the keys on my key ring in my hand as I was walking up the stairs without even looking at them. By the time I got to the office door, key in hand and ready to open it, it hit me afresh just how long I have been carrying that particular key ring. And then as I flicked on the lights and reached my office, it occurred to me how routine is my unlocking my desk and filing cabinets. I noticed how the keys for each are over 10 years old and rubbed clean in certain spots due to long-time use.
Do you lose your keys…or do you misplace other peoples keys?
On the flip side is how discombobulated I can become if my keys and things are taken out of the usual place during house cleaning, or by one of my children for some reason or another. So in this case, sometimes I feel my answer would still be no to someone asking, do you lose your keys. Because they were moved by someone else!
I usually can conduct a successful search and rescue mission for them, but to see my “place” disrupted by someone (particularly if it is someone who frequently loses their keys and things) can be briefly troublesome to me.
Do you lose your keys and is this a born or taught thing?
I don’t know exactly how the habit of careful tending of important things for long periods gets instilled. Is it born, or is it taught? I wish I knew. For I’ve met highly successful people who are otherwise bumbling idiots as regards their wallet, or keys, or hotel room cards, etc. And I’ve met neurotic dunces who have carried the same pocket knife for 25 years. So I don’t mean to pass judgement here. But I think by middle youth (puberty) someone has become one or the other of these two types of people. And if you are a key loser, one that answers yes to the question, do you lose your keys, well, then for heaven’s sake make a dozen copies of your keys when you get a new apartment, or automobile. And if you are a key-master then take care not to let your territorial prerogative regarding your ‘things’ take precedent over the people in your life who matter more than any ‘thing’.
Lyrics Logic & Lullabies
Lyrics, Logic, and Lullabies are delivered from baby boomer singer songwriter Ed Verner. Weaving together lyrics from personal experiences and tales from a life of people watching, these Lyrics, Logic, and Lullabies present contemporary younger songs from a salty renaissance man.
For more information on Ed and his Lyrics, Logic and Lullabies, visit:
Do you lose your keys? Or are you the type doesn’t?