International Literacy Day! How about a grammar and punctuation day?

International Literacy Day! How about a grammar and punctuation day? A Lyrics, Logic and Lullabies Blog
international literacy day, books, ed verner, lyrics logic and lullabies

International Literacy Day! How about a grammar and punctuation day?

I’m told that today is International Literacy Day. Well I certainly can hardly imagine the horror of not being able to read. It is one of those things we take for granted that impacts our lives nearly every second that we are awake. And I absolutely love reading, both for pleasure, and for the quest for knowledge.

International Literacy Day… How I am honoring the day…

So what am I reading these days, in honor of National Literacy Day? Operation Jedburgh D-Day and America’s First Shadow War by Colin Beavan – I have been blown away by how I did not know anything of this aspect of the pre-D-Day activities and how essential they were to the Allied landing’s success. Were it not for this book, despite my having seen movies about the time period, and despite my having watched the History Channel, and despite my having attended lectures on WWII history, ad infinitum, I would not be learning about this. The book, and the ability to read it at my convenience is the essence of a personal reminder of how important literacy is to me.

International Literacy Day and adding another day or two?

However, I’m afraid that as the cell phone and personal device revolution overtakes us all, we will be in much more need of an International Grammar & Punctuation Day in addition to International Literacy Day.

So let’s add Grammar and Punctuation Days along with International Literacy Day

I love those memes that point out the proper use of words that are often misused, such as “they’re” versus “there” versus “their” etc. And even I get lazy sometimes when texting and find myself working to reapply proper capitalization to a text that I created using voice recognition.

Or worse yet, when the voice recognition doesn’t know what to do with a word I say like “red” — was it “read” or “red” or did I stutter a bit and instead it prints “dread” such that I “drove that dread car”. Ugh, and Happy International Literacy Day.

international literacy day, dictionary, ed verner******************************************
Lyrics, Logic, and Lullabies are delivered from baby boomer singer songwriter Ed Verner. Weaving together lyrics from personal experiences and tales from a life of people watching, these Lyrics, Logic, and Lullabies present contemporary younger songs from a salty renaissance man.

For more information on Ed and his Lyrics, Logic and Lullabies, visit:
International Literacy Day! How about a grammar and punctuation day?


What if you are being slandered? Resisting battle with a slanderer.

What if you are being slandered? Resisting battle with a slanderer.
what if you are being slandered, lyrics logic lullabies

What if you are being slandered? Resisting battle with a slanderer.

The reason there is a Commandment against slander, or bearing unjust witness against a neighbor is because it is TERRIBLY effective. People all too often are eager to hear something negative or destructive about someone else. People will easily believe something bad about another, even someone they otherwise “know” would not do such a thing, precisely because human beings are self-destructively attracted to bad things.

It is like seeing video footage of a lethal car wreck. We know from the title that it is real and that someone inside that car is going to die, and that nothing good can come from our watching it, and yet it is nearly impossible not to watch the awful thing happen. It is a temptation that even when known is hard to resist. For many, slander is like that video.

What if you are being slandered or seeing another being slandered in a malicious way?

When someone is slandered, most people who hear this “did you know that so and so did BLAH” can be taken in by it. Those rare occasions when the person involved is entirely innocent of the accusation, but being slandered by a malicious rotten person, slip through, and though rare they are easily more powerful. Accusations of evil are more sticky and often devoured by people’s ears more than are reports of someone doing great good deeds.

But what if you are being slandered?

What do you do when a malicious person attempts to unjustly witness against you? Firstly, I would caution you not to be angry at friends or loved ones who believe it without checking with you first. Sure it is nice to have that 1 out of 100 who defend you immediately and call you to double-check that you didn’t REALLY do what they just heard of you.

But the other 99% of your associates who might believe it, or even repeat it before learning of the truth and justice they just violated, those folks need to be forgiven. It is human nature to be sucked in by the bad things.

Secondly, if you know precisely who is the fount of the slander, don’t feel any need to protect them from your CLEARLY defending the truth and righteousness. For slander that goes unchecked grows faster than kudzu in Georgia and slander against you is slander against all of your family or associates who share righteous time and business with you.

What if you are being slandered? Shining the light of truth

You must shine the light of truth upon a slanderer, not because they will stop any more than a crazy person will become suddenly sane, or an evil person will become a saint, but because the light of truth is positive and righteous. Slander against you may not cease because you fight it with truth, but that slanderer’s ability to succeed next time on someone less able to fight them may be reduced or eliminated. Think of it as a Pay It Forward thing when you take the time to resist and do battle against a slanderer.

what if you are being slandered, ed verner

What if you are being slandered? Resist as best you can to return it

Lyrics, Logic, and Lullabies are delivered from baby boomer singer songwriter Ed Verner. Weaving together lyrics from personal experiences and tales from a life of people watching, these Lyrics, Logic, and Lullabies present contemporary younger songs from a salty renaissance man.

For more information on Ed and his Lyrics, Logic and Lullabies, visit:
What if you are being slandered? Resisting battle with a slanderer.


Serious success potential from a practical joke?

Serious success potential from a practical joke. Sometimes the fluff flies higher.
serious success potential, ed verner

Serious success potential from a practical joke.

I sometimes have this nagging little fear of success striking my music as a result of the wrong song. As a songwriter I have my favorites which usually have some subtle musical innuendo or some sort of beautiful moment of complexity that I relish.

Whereas I also have written a song or two that stand as a farcical protest against complication. By that I mean that while it is an effort for me, I can actually force myself to write something banal, commonplace, and even boring. Lifting up the curiosity and possibility of some kind of serious success potential from a practical joke.  And every now and then I do exactly that just as a silent rage against things I sometimes hear “out and about”.

Could there be serious success potential from a practical joke.

I can be in a retail outlet somewhere and wind up listening to something that is wildly popular and equally inducing of a nearly uncontrollable urge in me to wretch. And after such an exposure, I smile to myself thinking how some record label somewhere is receiving a royalty payment for THAT.

And though I smile about it, and tell myself something like, “well, Ed, ya gotta love it… life is funny that way,” etc. I also sometimes find myself at the piano thumping out a dull lifeless 1,4,5 blot on the ears. I’ve even gone so far at times as to write an entire song around the idea of trying to make myself fit into kitsch like that.

Serious success potential from striking the most (non-serious)  and most familiar chords?

I actually record one of em every now and then; and then comes the fear. Just my luck, or the sense of humor I know is in the Divine master up above, it will be one of those songs that somehow strikes a chord with an sudden windfall of notice. And then I would be trapped always having to play that one if I were out giving a performance.

In my fear, I take it a little further in my mind, just to be prepared. I see a coffee house performance one day, where I’m partway through playing my “As If You Said ‘Yes”” or “Abandoned and Forgotten” and someone interrupts to yell out “Play ??? – Come on man” (insert banal protest song – and I ain’t tellin’).

I suppose the alternative of no one ever noticing anything of mine, versus their noticing one of the “wrong songs” should make it tolerable. But still there is the last question: If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, did it matter if it was a beautiful tree or a crappy one?

serious success potential, ed verner

Serious Success Potential in any of the simplicity?
Well, I guess we’ll see…

Lyrics, Logic, and Lullabies are delivered from baby boomer singer songwriter Ed Verner. Weaving together lyrics from personal experiences and tales from a life of people watching, these Lyrics, Logic, and Lullabies present contemporary younger songs from a salty renaissance man.

For more information on Ed and his Lyrics, Logic and Lullabies, visit:
Serious success potential from a practical joke?


What does being a baby boomer mean to me? Part One of Two

What does being a baby boomer mean to me? Part One of Two
what does being a baby boomer mean to me, ed verner, lyrics logic lullabies

What does being a baby boomer mean to me?

When answering the question recently ‘what does being a baby boomer mean to me?’, I found myself quickly wandering down memory lane a bit. Sure, we’ve all seen some memes that hit on it with glancing blows…

  • the picture of the little battery operated red transistor radio like the one I had when I was in elementary school. Can anyone say “Season’s in the Sun” by Terry Jacks – or “Put the Lime in the Coconut” by Harry Nilssonn.
  • Matchbox cars and Schwinn bicycles.
  • the picture of the cast of Star Trek or Gilligan’s Island.
  • the picture of kids riding in the back of a pickup truck.

Yet as I contemplate my aspects and retrospectives on it, I find myself spooling around in my head about a great many things.

So, what does being a baby boomer mean to me? Themes.

One of the themes inside my growing up, when I compare-contrast to my parents and grandparents’ generations is a general feeling of security. My parents grew up with active memories of the Great Depression (surely an oxymoron), financial uncertainty, illiteracy, ignorance, and a clear memory of a real all-encompassing World War that involved horror, sacrifice, and evil at a global level. And it always put in them a fear of the outcome if one were not busy working.

They saved when eventually they began to have ANYTHING left over. And when they had children they gave to them like no generation before them as regards education, comfort, and a feeling of security. I grew up with little fear when compared to them.

Sure I was afraid of a bully, or afraid to jump off of the roof, but I was not afraid like them when a young cousin got a fever that she might die. I wasn’t afraid if an uncle lost a job that he might perish in poverty. I didn’t grow up afraid of polio. It’s not that they were systemically afraid, but rather that abiding sense of security was mine at a young age, and not necessarily experienced by them at theirs.

What does being a baby boomer mean to me?

Well, I look back and remember also, a systemic change in the fabric of America that I lived through and understood more than they (parents and grandparents) can truly “get” other than to simply say they are saddened by it, etc. And that is not only the rise of divorce in families, but also the widespread acceptance and sympathy for it. Prior to the 1950s, divorce was rare, but in addition it was a deeply shameful thing only barely tolerated in extreme situations. Separate bedrooms, and even extramarital romances were a preferred method of dealing with a broken marriage rather than outright divorce.

As a baby boomer I grew up in a time of divorce changing from being the exception to being the norm. Like that inexplicable feeling of security that is unique to boomers, I feel boomers had to chart new waters in family drama as regards broken homes in ways that grandma or mom and dad could give no meaningful insight about; other than the time tested biblical principles which now are helping to return a balance to that pendulum so far swung.

Part two of What does being a baby boomer mean to me
coming next week.

what does being a baby boomer mean to me, lyrics logic lullabies

What does being a baby boomer mean to me?
Part One of Two

Lyrics, Logic, and Lullabies are delivered from baby boomer singer songwriter Ed Verner. Weaving together lyrics from personal experiences and tales from a life of people watching, these Lyrics, Logic, and Lullabies present contemporary younger songs from a salty renaissance man.

For more information on Ed and his Lyrics, Logic and Lullabies, visit:
What does being a baby boomer mean to me? Part One of Two


Do you become someone different when you are playing music?

Do you become someone different when you are playing music? Or is it a different part of you than the business side? My answer is ‘yes’.do you become someone different when you are playing music, airplane, ed verner

Do you become someone different when you are playing music?

This question was asked of me by a friend as we were discussing a recent podcast of mine. At first the answer sounded shallow and predictable to me, though correct. But as I thought on the subject a bit longer, there were some layers that cascaded down unto the question as I delved into it a bit deeper.

Well of course when I play my music it is still me – and the songs I’ve written represent slices of my mind and/or my heart so again it is still me. And yet, the act of my being myself in a leadership role amongst my business interests and the act of my being myself at the keys of a grand piano playing a song of mine are VERY disparate acts indeed.

The urge to have myself known for my music has been an ever-present and lifelong recipe for pain, humility, and energy drain for me. But one of the greatest compliments I can have is for someone to hear a song of mine and like it without ever knowing who wrote it, or sang it. The same thing may happen often with ideas of mine in the business world, but “success” is defined differently there.

Do you become someone different when you are playing music? How about when you are running a business?

I think of leading a business is a bit like being the captain of a vessel and crew during a storm, or perhaps like being a coach of a children’s soccer team. Perhaps that is why so many self-help books on leadership in business find apt source material in either the Navy or in the sports world. But the relationship between a songwriter and someone who hears the music is one nearly opposite at times when contrasted to the pyramid of leadership in an organization.

Effective leaders at times must create a separation between themselves and those they mean to inspire and have authority over – while simultaneously allowing them to gain faith and appreciation of YOU.

Whereas as a musician I often find myself reducing walls, gaining comfort with vulnerability, and allowing myself to wither and disappear entirely until all that remains is a song, or a melody; disconnected and separated from any aspect of “I” such that it may be taken in by another – I must have the “I” disappear until a “you” can take it in and make it their own “I”.

Do you become someone different when you are playing music? Switching channels in a way…

There are many types of businessmen, and likely many of them may be musicians at some level or another. But I think the singer-songwriter type of musicians among those business leaders are frequently going to have a bit of a “channel switching” mode if they take a stage to play a song they have written.

Post Script for the Do you become someone different when you are playing music blog:

Another good and related question I think would be to ask if a Diva type singer or spot-light crooner hound type vocalist and a successful business leader have to change who they are when going from one mode to another? I suspect the answer there is how they are more akin than a singer-songwriter would be to either of them.

do you become someone different when you are playing music, lyrics logic lullabies logo
Do you become someone different when you are playing music?************************************************
Lyrics, Logic, and Lullabies are delivered from baby boomer singer songwriter Ed Verner. Weaving together lyrics from personal experiences and tales from a life of people watching, these Lyrics, Logic, and Lullabies present contemporary younger songs from a salty renaissance man.
For more information on Ed and his Lyrics, Logic and Lullabies, visit:
Do you become someone different when you are playing music?


Musical Pothole Filling. Romancing existing creativity

Musical Pothole Filling. Romancing existing creativity
musical pothole filling, ed verner, sailing, lyrics logic lullabies

Musical Pothole filling. Romancing existing creativity.

An interesting little game to play happens sometimes when I mix and match instrumental music of mine with visual images and great film making work.

Musical pothole filling. for example…

If you follow this link to an instrumental piano work of mine at for the soundtrack, and then also follow this next link to the first 2:05 seconds of YouTube video of a fantastically beautiful modern interpretation of a classic vintage sailing gaff rigged schooner – mute the video sound and engage my audio song and waah laah – a music editor revisited.

Musical pothole filling…in reverse.

Sometimes this little game of mine plays out in reverse in that I see something beautiful or emotionally stirring for me in a film or a piece of photography and I find myself conjuring up a musical melody for it. And even more often I may witness a moment in a major film where something beautiful visually is accompanied by musical kitsch on the verge of being crap – and the irony of visual beauty in concert with auditory ear vomit can also drive me into a creative mode. Much like how I enjoy fixing things that are broken, or restoring things that have been abandoned I like to create music where the need for it is on full display in the contrary example.

There is something romantic in the musical creative art when it is put to the task of filling a void; or in some cases I would call it fixing a pothole in the road of life. Now it may not be the romance of lovers, or the back seat of a car at a drive in type of love-rut… but writing music in that frame of mind is indeed romantic.
musical pothole filling, lyrics logic lullabies************************************************
Lyrics Logic & Lullabies
Lyrics, Logic, and Lullabies are delivered from baby boomer singer songwriter Ed Verner. Weaving together lyrics from personal experiences and tales from a life of people watching, these Lyrics, Logic, and Lullabies present contemporary younger songs from a salty renaissance man.
For more information on Ed and his Lyrics, Logic and Lullabies, visit:
Musical Pothole Filling. Romancing existing creativity


Balvenie DoubleWood 12 Year – A good Single Malt Scotch

Balvenie DoubleWood 12 Year – A good Single Malt Scotch
Balvenie DoubleWood 12 Year, ed verner, lyrics logic lullabies, scotch

Balvenie DoubleWood 12 Year – A good single Malt Scotch

I’ve met more than a few people over the years who have said, “Eck, I don’t like Scotch” and yet also readily admit they have never really tried a good one. Now I can certainly agree how Scotch, or alcohol for that matter, is not for everyone, but sometimes I feel, it should be sampled and given a chance.

And I also embrace with gusto how there is a reason that we have chocolate AND vanilla flavored ice cream. I.E. different strokes for different folks. But so too I think one should not turn away from an entire buffet just because they tried a tiny taste of the first item. And there are a robust variety of flavors inside the category of “Scotch” whiskey.

Balvenie DoubleWood 12 Year. The first aroma.

Speaking (actually I’m writing) for myself and my wife, we have both come to appreciate the kind first aroma and lingering gentle approach found in the Balvenie DoubleWood 12 Year – aged partly in traditional oak whiskey casks, and finished off in first run European oak sherry casks. The result is a soft, sweet aroma wafting around a genuine Speyside Scotch experience. And many a scoffing former Scotch critic has had to eat their words of derision when given a chance at this gentle invader.

Balvenie DoubleWood 12 Year – After the recording session.

After a good recording session has been accomplished, and particularly if friend Dan Gallagher is in the room to celebrate with us, I enjoy pulling out a Balvenie Doublewood 12 and celebrating a toast to the muse, the producer, and the joy of being a recording artist.
Balvenie DoubleWood 12 Year, scotch, single malt scotch whiskey************************************************
Lyrics Logic & Lullabies
Lyrics, Logic, and Lullabies are delivered from baby boomer singer songwriter Ed Verner. Weaving together lyrics from personal experiences and tales from a life of people watching, these Lyrics, Logic, and Lullabies present contemporary younger songs from a salty renaissance man.
For more information on Ed and his Lyrics, Logic and Lullabies, visit:
Balvenie DoubleWood 12 Year – A good Single Malt Scotch


Mutiny on the Bounty or in the recording studio

Mutiny on the Bounty or in the recording studio – Metaphorically speaking of course…
Mutiny on the bounty

Mutiny on the Bounty or in the studio…

Now not long ago, I posted a thought attacking the glorifying of pirates. And now I learn that today is the anniversary of the Mutiny on the Bounty. While not an act of piracy, mutiny is another nautical event that can occur metaphorically inside the music studio.

Mutiny on the Bounty: Captain Bligh… not the nicest guy?

Several film adaptations of the story regarding the Bounty have been made over the years, and historians have disagreed over time as to whether or not Captain Bligh was a cruel tyrant who deserved being cast off of his command or not. So too, there has been debate as to whether or not the acting Lieutenant Fletcher Christian who seized command was justified. But there is little disagreement how, in the end, it was a miserable affair for all concerned.

Mutiny on the Bounty or mutiny in the studio…comparisons.

Now while one might argue that making music is not near so serious as captaining and piloting a 90 foot long 230 ton armed full rigged ship with a crew of 45 across the oceans, but one would be wrong… bah hah. But indeed making music is VERY serious to the one who wrote it, and generally very serious to those involved in bringing it to life in a studio. As a singer songwriter there must be a bit of the captain in me when I take a song into a studio, and yet some of the best work on my songs comes out because of the producer, and/or due to the talent of someone totally unexpected. Conversely, if I am a butt-wipe with a bad attitude any one of those people who have something brilliant to contribute might simply “mutiny” by withholding their idea or by simply packing up their instrument and telling me to piss off.

In a recording studio the price for mutiny is not hanging, and the stakes may not be life and death, but for the unborn song or the song taken to partial term, the results may indeed be the same as those of the poor Bounty and her crew; loss of the ship, division and suffering of the crew, casting aside of the merchandise so carefully gathered and stored before the disagreement exploded, and other sad losses are still a shame.

Most common symptoms that will lead to the Mutiny on the bounty scenario.

Any mutiny, be it aboard a ship, or in a music studio is ultimately a fatal disease whose symptoms of bad communication, inappropriate loyalty and inappropriate leadership in concert, and poorly handled anxiety have been ignored one moment too long.

Final Note:

Dancing With The Wind” is the perfect backdrop to listen to while at work and wasting time looking up the Mutiny on the Bounty story on the internet instead of doing your real job. Just sayin…
mutiny on the bounty, ed verner************************************************
Lyrics Logic & Lullabies
Lyrics, Logic, and Lullabies are delivered from baby boomer singer songwriter Ed Verner. Weaving together lyrics from personal experiences and tales from a life of people watching, these Lyrics, Logic, and Lullabies present contemporary younger songs from a salty renaissance man.
For more information on Ed and his Lyrics, Logic and Lullabies, visit:
Mutiny on the Bounty or in the recording studio


Earth Day with my take and logic. No Lyrics or Lullabies here.

Earth Day with my take and logic. No Lyrics or Lullabies here.
earth day, ed verner, earth, lyrics logic lullabies

Earth Day – Hmm what a catchy title.

I’m not exactly sure how I feel about “Earth Day”.   It has an Orwellian ring to it.

Earth Day and the footprints we leave.

As someone who used to enjoy backpacking, I’m all in favor of being conscious of your ‘footprint’ when enjoying nature (the old pack out what you take in sense of personal responsibility).  And I believe in certain materials being recycled, such as most metals, and glass.  And I applaud the urge to recycle when the energy gained is greater than the energy expended to accomplish it.  But when I hear that “Earth Day” has become the world’s largest ‘secular’ celebration, the hair on my neck stands up just a tad.  And then sometimes when I encounter certain believers in Global Warming, or its predecessor Global Ice Age, etc., and hear of technical data tampering to further an agenda of power or a move towards global governance, I cringe again.

Earth Day and the righteousness

I am a big believer in thoughtful righteous stewardship of the land and the animals that live on it and make up frequent ingredients in the diet that sustains me.  But sometimes I encounter illogical people who wear T-shirts manufactured in China (one of the worlds worst polluters) that espouse some “save the planet” mantra of the new age and as I read and hear about “Earth Day” I sort of feel like it might have more than the average infestation of well-meaning, but illogical and irrational people clinging to it.

What does Earth day have to do with my music?

Absolutely nothing.  God Bless.

earth day, plane, ed verner, lyrics logic lullabies

Lyrics Logic & Lullabies
Lyrics, Logic, and Lullabies are delivered from baby boomer singer songwriter Ed Verner. Weaving together lyrics from personal experiences and tales from a life of people watching, these Lyrics, Logic, and Lullabies present contemporary younger songs from a salty renaissance man.
For more information on Ed and his Lyrics, Logic and Lullabies, visit:
Earth Day with my take and logic. No Lyrics or Lullabies here.


Celebrity Bullying & Broken Promises. My take on it.

Celebrity Bullying & Broken Promises. My take on it.
celebrity bullying, lyrics logic lullabies, ed verner, sunset

Celebrity bullying & broken promises. My take on it.

Now some notable celebrities are canceling concerts to call attention to their preferences regarding human “rights” or political issues.  And yet these same celebrities are often quoted as saying how they are against bullying.  They fail to see or have any acknowledgement of the similarities between an elementary school bully and their own behaviors.  This seems like celebrity bullying to me. Basically their pitch is something along the lines of, “Do as I say, now, and believe as I believe now, or I will punish you.”  Or “bring your opinion to bear on this subject in agreement with me, or I will punish you.”

Celebrity Bullying with aggressive opinions.

Sometimes people of great fame have also taken to threatening to leave their country of origin unless a certain outcome occurs… really?  How patriotic of you.  If the country by and large doesn’t agree with your SOLITARY opinion and/or a majority opposes you then you won’t consider their view or consider the fact that YOU may be wrong, but rather you will pick up your toys and go “home” to another location?

Now don’t get me wrong, I applaud people who have strong convictions and who are willing to alter their life to stand up for something they believe.  I applaud people who are willing to attempt to foster positive change and/or to shine a light upon an issue – I even applaud those convictions and actions when I may personally disagree because at least the person is willing to sacrifice a portion of their fame to amplify their message.

Celebrity bullying through concert cancellations?

BUT – to cancel a concert for all of your fans in an area is to break a promise you made to them – it is to breach a trust they placed in you regarding your art and your ability to entertain or bring joy, and to replace it instead with political discourse and a broken promise.  Forgetting for the moment the arrogance and pride-gone-awry at the source of the breach, just focus on the fact of a broken promise.

To be an artist is to desire to have your art create a bridge between you and someone out there (unknowable to you) and the bridge requires trust (sometimes misplaced indeed).  Don’t burn that bridge! If you are lucky enough to have a fan base of any kind based on music or the arts and you choose to bully them with withdrawal, I hope you get what bullies on the playground deserve.

celebrity bullying, lyrics logic and lullabies, ed verner
Lyrics Logic & Lullabies
Lyrics, Logic, and Lullabies are delivered from baby boomer singer songwriter Ed Verner. Weaving together lyrics from personal experiences and tales from a life of people watching, these Lyrics, Logic, and Lullabies present contemporary younger songs from a salty renaissance man.
For more information on Ed and his Lyrics, Logic and Lullabies, visit:
Celebrity Bullying & Broken Promises. My take on it.
